Posts tagged chemotherapy
How Can Acupuncture Help to Deal with the Side Effects of Chemotherapy?

Irreversible is not a word you want to hear from your Doctor but it’s a common one if you’ve been diagnosed with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy or CIPN.

Samantha survived cancer only to be living life in constant pain. He felt as though he were walking on pins and needles, becoming weaker and weaker everyday. “I was beginning to be worried that one day I would be wheelchair bound” she explained.

Nearly half of patients who undergo chemotherapy will develop CIPN.

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Focus on Cancer - acupuncture to manage side effects of treatments

Nausea and loss of appetite can be common side effects of some cancer treatments and while medications to prevent or treat nausea are often combined with chemotherapy drugs, many patients still experience symptoms.  For the “foodies” and our patients who experience much pleasure from eating, this can be an especially difficult side effect as they no longer take pleasure in nourishing their bodies.  However, managing nausea and loss of appetite for any patient is crucial during cancer treatment in order to maintain energy levels and prevent rapid weight loss, which can complicate treatment.

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